Lamoille North Youth Coalition, Peoples Academy OVX, Peoples Academy Middle Level VKAT and Allied Health- GMTCC students on the State House steps
On February 13th, 33 students representing Lamoille North Youth Coalition, Peoples Academy OVX (Our Voice Xposed) Peoples Academy Middle Level VKAT (Vermont Kids Against Tobacco) and Allied Health class at GMTCC participated in an OVX/VKAT Youth State House Rally to educate and inform key decision makers and fellow Vermonters about tobacco and nicotine related issues, as seen and experienced firsthand. See the news segment about the event here
Here were some of the highlights from the day:
Students marched to the State House with handmade signs and rallied on the State House steps
During the rally two Lamoille North students shared their personal testimonies.

Students met and talked with three of our local legislators about their vaping concerns, LGBTQ+ issues, and learned more about what it’s like being a Vermont legislator. The groups have plans to connect with other legislators in the near future.
Students attended a committee meeting and PAML VKAT students shared quotes from Peoples Academy students about their personal stories of vaping and how it has affected their lives and the lives of their peers.

Students attended the event press conference and Lamoille North Youth Coalition and PAML students shared their testimonies.
Allied Health class with with Dr. Mark Levine, VT Commissioner of Health

We want to thank Vermont Tobacco Control – VT Department of Health for coordinating this Rally and our local legislators for taking their time to listen and talk with the youth that attended.
Our Voices Exposed (OVX) and Vermont Kids Against Tobacco (VKAT) are Vermont’s youth-led movements to reduce and eventually eliminate youth smoking/vaping by:
1. Taking action against the exploitations of the tobacco industry
2. Promoting tobacco-free community policies through youth activism
3. Empowering students to express our viewpoints
4. Educating peers on the dangers of tobacco use
5. Educating community leaders and lawmakers on the immediate and future health consequences of youth tobacco use.