COVID-19 is a respiratory illness and data tells us that it is even more dangerous for people who smoke and vape. Check out Healthy Lamoille Valley’s COVID-19 Tobacco and Vaping Alert for more information at www.healthylamoillevalley.org/covid-19.
Are you able to join forces with Healthy Lamoille Valley on tobacco prevention during this pandemic? All ages are welcome!
Join us for an online meeting on Zoom, Monday April 13 from 2-3pm to get us started. Register at https://tobacco-taskforce.eventbrite.com to receive the invitation with a login link to Zoom and a phone number you can use if you’re unable to join by computer.
Topics discussed will be:
- What would be helpful for our community at this time?
- What messaging can we share and with who?
- What can we do to support cessation on the individual and community level (policy, housing, etc)?
- What about reducing second hand smoke and vapor?
- What are your ideas about Tobacco Prevention in the time of COVID-19?
Email [email protected] or call 917-626-0344 for more information or to offer your thoughts and ideas.