Healthy Lamoille Valley’s Tobacco Prevention Task Force wants your input on how to support you, those around you and our community on the topic of smoking and vaping cessation and prevention in this time of COVID-19. Please fill out our community needs survey! Estimated time to complete – 4 minutes.

Enter the Lamoille Valley Tobacco and Vaping Community Needs Survey here!

After completing this survey, you can choose to be entered in a raffle to win one of four $25 gift certificates of your choosing from our Lamoille Valley Business Friends of Prevention list. Your survey responses will not be connected to your contact information.

Keep in Touch!

Want to stay connected with Healthy Lamoille Valley?  Visit us online at, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, join us on Front Porch Forum. 

Want to join our Tobacco Task Force?  Interested in learning more about tobacco/vaping prevention and cessation efforts and resources in your community?  Contact Alison Link at [email protected] to learn more and be contacted about upcoming virtual task force meetings.

If you are a youth looking to get involved in our efforts contact Ashley at [email protected].

Quit Support

802Quits802Quits – Teen Vaping Resources

Healthy Lamoille Valley Tobacco and E-Cigarette Resources

Local Resources

United Way of Lamoille County COVID-19 Resources