Our search is complete! Learn more about our 2023 cohort!

Principals, guidance counselors, SAPs, administrators, nurses, librarians, and teachers of all grades (K-12) and subjects are welcome to apply for our first TimeWise Healthy Lamoille Valley Educator Cohort. We aim to develop new resources to support our youth in developing and integrating skills in the area of making healthy decisions in their free time over a lifetime.

With the collaboration of local Lamoille Valley educators, our goal is to complete a comprehensive scope and sequence for the TimeWise: Taking Charge of Leisure Time (TW) curriculum across all school aged youth with Dr. Linda Caldwell, the curriculum author, and Dr. Alison Link, of Healthy Lamoille Valley and The Leisure Link. This cohort will support collaborative curriculum development, including merging our Live Your Why initiative and developing caregiver/parent resources which build on our previous work. This is where you come in! Read more about the Timewise (TW) curriculum.

Will you be a part of our TimeWise Healthy Lamoille Valley Educator Cohort?
A generous stipend of $500 will be awarded to each educator in the cohort and an additional $500 will be matched for that educator’s implementation of TW in their school by December, 2024. Complete this short application as soon as possible before January 16th to apply. We have funding for a cohort of eight educators. However, other educators are welcome to participate in the cohort and curriculum development process if their school district provides funding. If you are a school district that is interested in funding educators, please be in touch with us at [email protected].

Cohort and teacher/counselor expectations. Educators will:

  • Meet once a month (January – May 2023) for 2 hours with cohort and facilitators on a weekday afternoon/evening.
  • Spend an additional 5 hours minimum per month in between cohort meetings.
  • Support our expert consultants in cultural competence and grade appropriate sequencing as well as full curriculum development with associated educator resources.
  • Gain specific content knowledge and facilitation skills, and identify additional needs.
  • Package resources for educators and caregivers/parents to easily engage with the TW materials and resources.
  • Offer ongoing process evaluation and documentation
  • Participate in a final debrief and survey
  • Develop a TW team at their school towards implementation in the next 1-3 years.
  • For participation in the cohort each educator will receive a stipend and a mini grant for their school to assist in implementation of a TW initiative project.

Complete this short application by January 16, 2023 to apply! Contact Alison at [email protected] with any questions.