Join us for our Lamoille Valley Tobacco Prevention Taskforce!
Tuesday, Mar 1, 2022, 3-4pm
Register in advance for this meeting here.
This month we will discuss the Vermont Department of Health’s 3-4-50 program, spring initiatives, and our new local quit resources, as well as look ahead to the next Healthy Lamoille Valley coalition meeting focused on tobacco prevention and cessation.
“3-4-50 helps us understand the overwhelming impact of chronic disease in Vermont and inspires us to take action to change it. 3-4-50 is about making a difference at a level that can influence the health of many. Businesses, schools, cities and towns, and health care providers all play an important role in shaping the health of Vermonters.” Check out what it means to become a 3-4-50 partner here.
If you would like a stack of quit resources cards for distribution at your agency or store, please let us know at [email protected].