Monday, February 4, 2019
Northern Vermont University- Johnson
Dewey 1867 conference room
RSVP to Alison at alison@ healthylamoillevalley.org
Our next Healthy Lamoille Valley Tobacco Prevention Task Force meeting will have a focus on the collaboration of our Lamoille Valley students (college, high school and middle school). We will gather with our student representatives to support them in planning tobacco prevention and cessation efforts in their schools and the greater community surrounding vaping, JUULing and e-cigarettes, especially leading towards Kick Butts Day (March 21st). We will also hear about the upcoming OVX (Our Voices X-posed against tobacco) youth group State House Rally on February 12th which some of our students will attend. Lamoille Valley Youth Representatives are invited! All community members and school representatives are welcome to join in this meeting.