Guest Blogger: Meagan DeWitt, MAT Team Program Manager and Clinical Care Coordinator, Lamoille Health Medication Assisted Treatment

It seems like everywhere you look there is something about the opioid epidemic. It’s on the news, we see people struggling in our communities, and there’s a new movie about big pharma every other day. We hear about the overdoses and the life experiences someone will never get to have. We see the ripple effect of addiction etched into our communities, our neighbors, our friends, and our families. I often have to remind myself and the people I work with that just because the challenges and pain are shown and heard about most, it doesn’t mean that it is a complete story. As much as our awareness about opioids has increased, so have the supports for people who are struggling. Movies end with someone walking into treatment but in real life there are people like me and my team the other side of those doors.

My name is Meagan DeWitt. I am a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor, and part of the Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Team in the Lamoille Valley. The MAT Team is a broad term used to describe the medical practitioners who prescribe medications for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) and the nurses and therapists that work with them to support people in treatment. Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) have been available since the late 1960s. Today, methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone are available through the Hub and Spoke system of care in Vermont (Hub and Spoke | Blueprint for Health) and are considered the gold standard for treating OUD. Studies show that the use of these medications in treatment is more effective than no medication. (SAMHSA, 2021) When used in combination with counseling and other recovery support, someone’s likelihood of staying in treatment and recovering is increased further. The Lamoille area currently has 7 sites providing MOUD and 25+ prescribing providers. These sites include primary care offices and substance use treatment programs.

One of the most common challenges of substance use services is the length of time it can take for someone to start treatment. For OUD, we know that the sooner someone can be seen and started on medications the more likely they are to remain engaged in treatment and the less likely they are to continue using other drugs. About 10 years ago, leaders in the field began exploring ways to get people in to MAT treatment faster. In 2020, MAT programs in Lamoille collaborated to rolled out the Rapid Access to Medication Assisted Treatment (RAM) model. It works like this:

This flexible and low-barrier model focuses of starting someone’s treatment. Where someone is initially seen may not be where they continue treatment. RAM appointments are available Monday through Friday at different locations in our community and last about an hour. If someone needs help after hours, on weekends, or holidays, this process can be started in the emergency department. If buprenorphine isn’t the right choice for someone, our team will still work with them to determine next steps and referrals as needed.

Our team has a “no wrong door” approach to care, meaning there are many access points and pathways for someone starting treatment. No matter where someone starts, we will help them get to where they need to go. The easiest place to get started is calling the MAT Line, (802) 888-6009. This is a voicemail only number that connects directly to the MAT Team. We return calls within 24 hours or the next business day. You can also check out our website, to get more information about this program and the resources in the area. Figuring out where to start can be overwhelming and scary. Our team is here to help.

Meagan DeWitt, MS, LADC, LCMHC
MAT Program Manager for Lamoille Valley MAT Team