Prevention Sponsorships

Healthy Lamoille Valley is pleased to be able to once again offer prevention sponsorships to the Lamoille Valley community, made available from the Region 3 Vermont Prevention Lead Organization grant. This funding supports primary and secondary prevention across the lifespan. This year we have $5,000 available to be given out in increments of $250 – $500, to be used by June 30th, 2025. We also have an additional $6,000 available for LGBTQ+ support! These allotments are designed with equity in mind to be accessible to projects that would be greatly advanced with a small amount of funding. Funds will be given on a monthly rolling basis until the available amount is fully distributed. If you need assistance or have questions, email [email protected].

HLV Prevention Sponsorship Application Form

Total Funds Available: $11,000

FY25 Funds Given to Date: $3,150

FY25 Projects Funded: 

  • Green Mountain Technology & Career Center – Mental Health Promotion
  • Town of Wolcott Recreational Committee – Outdoor Recreational Community Court
  • Jenna Tatro Memorial Fund – Iyengar Yoga for Prevention
  • Morrisville United Church – Substance Free New Year’s Eve Event
  • Hazen Union High School – NEK GSA Winter Dance
  • Clarina Howard Nichols Center – 2nd Annual Pride Event
  • Johnson Elementary School – Johnson Elementary School Robotics Initiative
  • Lamoille Health Partners – Project Pottery, art program for rural LGBTQ+ youth

Who can access these funds?

  • Individual community members (you will need a fiscal sponsor, please contact [email protected] for more information)
  • Schools (Including clubs and sports teams)
  • Childcares
  • Afterschool programs
  • Libraries
  • Municipalities
  • Community third space organizations
  • Community non-profits (including sports clubs if they have a non-profit status)
  • Faith-based organizations


  • Submit the HLV Prevention Sponsorship Application Form to [email protected] (feel free to include your own sponsorship or advertising form, and a W9 or equivalent)
  • Forms received by the third Friday of the month will be reviewed that month, otherwise forms will roll to the next month
  • Steering team will review and make decisions by 4th Friday of the month
  • Form will serve as the invoice for the LFC business office
  • Funds coming from Northeast VT Prevention Consortium Lead grant
  • In general, funds will be available within two-three weeks from approval
  • If the event doesn’t happen or fewer funds are used, there will be a process for returning funds or requesting a plan B

List of priorities to be addressed (select all that apply in your application):

  • Priority 1: Reduce underage substance use (alcohol, cannabis/marijuana use) i.e. youth recovery supports, screening and early intervention, school-based prevention
  • Priority 2 – Not applicable to our region
  • Priority 3: Reduce adult high risk substance use. i.e., Focus on healthy stress reduction and coping skills, influence on children, driving while impaired
  • Priority 4: Increase support for LGBTQ youth, i.e., schools and supervisory unions to enhance or launch a Genders & Sexuality Alliance (GSA) group at a local school; determining school readiness & capacity for implementing a GSA; community, parent/caregiver, educator training; supporting LGBTQ youth focused support groups
  • Priority 5: Create a community where youth and adults feel valued, connected, and supported, i.e., focus on decreasing stigma for getting help for mental health and/or substance use; reducing isolation, particularly for older adults; and building youth resiliency and youth connectedness as protective factors

Note: All sponsored activities must be fully substance-free. Substance-free includes no substances served or used at the event (including legal adult-use substances), no portrayal of substances, no gifts of substances, and no marketing of substances.


  • A short report is required within two weeks of completion of the project
  • Please submit a brief summary report to [email protected], subject: HLV Sponsorship Report
  • Provide number and age of youth served/adults served
  • Short summary of program/event – to be sent within two weeks of event
  • Optional – any pictures you’d like us to highlight on website (please ensure that any youth in pictures have parental permission)