Coalition is defined as an “alliance formed for action.” Healthy Lamoille Valley is a coalition with the goals of reducing youth substance misuse and creating a healthy Lamoille Valley. This is the action, the other key piece of the definition is the word alliance. It’s not just one person or organization, but many coming together! Healthy Lamoille Valley needs YOU to be a part of our coalition to work together to create a healthier community!
Please mark your calendars and plan to come to the kickoff meeting of our new coalition format. Healthy Lamoille Valley will meet on the first Tuesday of each month from 6:00-7:00pm. The format of these meetings will include: introductions, announcements, a short topic presentation, and then an action discussion on how we can work together to address that topic. Meetings will continue to be held virtually on Zoom.
Our 11/3 meeting will feature two topics: a look at the newly released local 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Survey trends and explore ways for you to be involved in the Healthy Lamoille Valley Coalition! Also highlighted during the announcements will be our 2020 Prevention Honors Awards and Photovoice Submissions. Please register in advance for the meeting here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.