Did you know that August 31st is International Opioid Overdose Awareness Day? You can help prevent opioid misuse in our community. Here are three opportunities to make a difference:

  1. Download or request copies of our Hope Poster with support resources for those struggling with opioid use, and the preventative poster 5 Alternatives to Opioids. We also have wallet-sized Hope cards and an updated Questions to Ask your Doctor when Getting a Prescription wallet cards available. Share these with others! Contact [email protected] to request copies.
  2. There are safe disposal sites available year-round. Copley Hospital, Hardwick Police Department, Morristown Police Department, Stowe Police Department, Cambridge Kinney Drugs, and the Lamoille County Sheriff’s Department all have year-round self-service drop-boxes, available during normal business hours. The Vermont Department of Health is providing free, prepaid prescription drug mail-back envelopes. Request your envelopes online and then simply seal your unused prescription drugs inside and drop off at any post office or other USPS pick-up location.
  3. Consider attending the Jenna’s House Open House on August 27th, 11:00AM – 4:00PM and bring a friend! Free food, music, games, a bounce house, special guests! All are welcome! Presentations and workshops include harm reduction training, recovery and policy, Jenna’s Promise recovery residences, recovery friendly workplaces, and more. Hosted by Jenna’s Promise and The North Central Vermont Recovery Center. Check out their Facebook page for more event details.