Opiate Registration

Picture a large meeting room full of animated conversation, united around an issue that is routinely on the news in our State and you will have a small glimpse into the Lamoille Opiate Summit held on Wednesday September 3, 2014.  Sixty-seven participants from across the region attended the event uniting with the event goals of building a web of local efforts and the greater community and sparking innovative strategies to take a stand against opiate use in the Lamoille Valley.

The afternoon began with a welcome from Val Valcour, Health Services District Director of the Vermont Department of Health.  Together with Carol Plante, Coordinator for Healthy Lamoille Valley, state and local data around opiate use (including prescription painkillers and heroin) was shared as well as pertinent information about other substance use.   The importance of using a comprehensive prevention approach, that includes collaboration of many community stakeholders, in preventing these issues was stressed throughout the presentation.  Click here to view the PowerPoint of this presentation:  LV_Opiate_Summit_2014_Final

Participants then had the opportunity to participate in a “gallery walk” to visit 5 tables in a speed-dating format allowing them to see some of the work that already has wheels on the ground in the Lamoille Valley.

North Central Recovery Center, Morrisville, VT – Free resources to aid in recovery.  They are always looking for volunteers!

Medication Assisted Therapy (MAT Team) – Addiction treatment through area physician’s offices

Lamoille Restorative Center  – Implementing the multiple diversion programs.

Healthy Lamoille Valley – Healthy Community Design – Making healthy choices, easy choices.

Healthy Lamoille Valley – Partnership for Success –  Prescription Drug Safety and Resources.

Opiate Table 2

Representatives from each table share out the highlights of their group’s discussion.

There was an excited energy in the room as information was shared and connections were made.  This continued as participants reconvened for table discussions focusing on sharing what they just learned during the gallery walk, raised questions that might remain about opiate use, and strategized about low and no cost projects that could be easily implemented.  Click here to see the ideas and questions generated:  Opiate Discussion Notes

Opiate handshake

 Valuable connections were made!