Ever wonder what you and others can be doing in our community to reduce substance misuse? This survey is for our town municipal leaders to help us gather information on the current pulse of what is happening in your municipalities related to substance misuse and prevention. We encourage a minimum of one person from each town, and as many as are able and interested, to fill out this survey. The information collected through this survey will only be used publicly in aggregate form, no identifying information will be used without permission. Towns can also request the information we receive by town, to consider as they plan. We will use this information to inform future work. Fill out the form at https://forms.gle/M1gNNHjvapuFLQeRA.
As we at Healthy Lamoille Valley continue to share our new community planning Toolkit, we are seeking information from town leaders on the following topics: – Where do you think youth see substances in your town? – What municipal and community level strategies and policies do you already have in place? – Are there specific areas in your town where you notice substance related items being dumped (any environmental impact/litter, etc.)? All town leaders are invited to complete this survey. Lamoille Valley Towns: Belvidere, Cambridge, Craftsbury, Eden, Elmore, Greensboro, Hardwick, Hyde Park, Jeffersonville, Johnson, Morristown, Stannard, Stowe, Waterville, Wolcott, Woodbury.
The brains of young people are still developing until they are 25. This puts our youngest community members most at risk for substance misuse, especially if they start using at an early age, increasing their likelihood of becoming dependent and experiencing negative health outcomes. The environment around our youth is inundated with substance industry tactics that drive youth misuse. Additional pressures and consistent stressors on families that build up, for some more than others, can lead to higher rates of misuse. Our job and responsibility is to reduce the risks in our communities that lead to substance misuse and to increase the factors that protect our youth through facilitated conversations and intentional planning.