Our Governor’s Marijuana Advisory Commission is sponsoring Listening Sessions and we are encouraging you to give input. The final three sessions are the first week in December. Town leaders (as well as all Vermont residents) have a role in shaping how commercial markets are being implemented including:
- Signage (size, location, graphic nature, not cartoonized or sexualized),
- Types of products (concentrates, edibles, or just leaf)
- Location of retail locations (how does this impact small towns without zoning?)
- Towns should have the option to restrict sales in their communities (Colorado has this),
- Licensing (will this fall on local liquor boards? if yes, what training will be in place?)
- Growing impacts (environmental, security/law enforcement needs).
- Prevention work in our communities. Currently Vermont does not allocate significant state level funding to substance abuse prevention, how will the state help communities address community level prevention to combat the increased youth exposure to another substance?
- Quality control – what mechanisms are in place to ensure that the products being sold locally are pesticide free and “safe” for consumption?
- Standard recommended dosage? THC levels can vary widely and does usage. Will there be a standard THC requirement or labeling requirements?
- What supports will be in place for the increased health and human service needs? States with legalized markets have seen an increase in ER visits and mental health services.
- Law enforcement – if there is a need for increased law enforcement is there a way to pass this back to the retailers and growers or are local tax payers on the hook?
- More issues… Roadside testing, securing packaging, universal symbols notifying youth that this is not for them, recommended storage, etc.
This is an evolving process and the more input and future planning, the safer our youth and communities will be.
The meetings listed here are scheduled to run from 6:30-8:30 p.m.:
- Dec. 3 – Morse Center, Black Box Theatre, St. Johnsbury Academy, 1000 Main Street, St. Johnsbury.
- Dec. 5 – Vermont Veterans Home, 325 North St., Bennington.
- Dec. 6 – White River Junction National Guard Armory, 240 Main St., White River Junction.
We hope on of these dates/locations are convenient for you to attend and engage with the commission.
If you are unable to attend one of these we recommend emailing them with your questions and concerns directly at [email protected].