Attention Lamoille Valley Youth Sports team and league leaders (including the greater Hardwick area)!

Fall sports are upon us! The Lamoille Area Coaching Collaborative, a workgroup of Healthy Lamoille Valley, wants your help in updating the Youth Sports Community Hub. We want you on it with accurate information so that youth, parents, and potential coaches can find you!

HLV is collecting this information and sharing this as a service to the community. Each league is responsible for how it runs its leagues and practices.

1. Check out the current Directory.

2. Send an email to [email protected] by August 15th for first round updates.

If it’s after August 15th, email anyway and we will update as we are able!

Youth sports are often a protective factor. We are a prevention minded work group. The Lamoille Area Coaching Collaborative is a network of people dedicated to improving our community through youth sports and building protective factors for our youth to prevent substance misuse. We have quarterly meetings and an online communication group. Let us know if you are interested in joining.