Volunteer Opportunities

Work with us! Email Jessica Bickford, Coalition Coordinator, at [email protected] for more information and to share your thoughts.

Current Coalition Needs:

  • Survey support: We will be administering our bi-annual parent and community survey in April and we’ll be looking for people to bring this out into the community so we can get wider involvement.
  • Community sharing: We’re looking for members who can share coalition messages on social media or Front Porch Forum.
  • Workgroup members: We have several topic focused workgroups that meet semi-regularly.
  • Steering team members: We are always looking for people who can help hold and guide this work. A typical steering team member puts in 2-5 hours a month.
  • Preparing materials: help get information out by putting together membership packets, retailer handouts, etc.
  • Tabling: join the HLV table at community events or provide support by distributing posters or resources in the community.

Healthy Lamoille Valley Workgroups

Lamoille Area Youth Coalition

Lamoille Area Youth Coalition (LAYC) empowers and educates youth to make a positive change for the well-being of our community.  Open to any youth in 6th-12th grade who live in Lamoille County or the Greater Hardwick Area (Hardwick, Craftsbury, Greensboro, Stannard, and Woodbury).  Email Brian at [email protected] or visit the LAYC website for more information.

Tobacco Prevention Taskforce

Join Healthy Lamoille Valley’s Tobacco Taskforce and work together to address underage tobacco and vaping in your community! Email Alison at [email protected] for more information.

Lamoille Valley Coaching Collaborative

The Lamoille Valley Coaching Collaborative is a network of people dedicated to improving our community through youth sports and building protective factors for our youth to prevent substance misuse.  All youth sports leaders and coaches (veteran and new!) are invited to join. Email Alison at [email protected] for more information.

Parent/Caregiver Workgroup

We are changing it up! We recognize that parents/caregivers are busy and we’d like to try a new workgroup format. Beginning in January we will create an online community open to all parents, foster parents and kinship caregivers. Email Jessica at [email protected] for more information.

Community Change

Community Planning Workshops

Take a fresh look at your community. Healthy Lamoille Valley offers free custom workshops specifically created for your community organization or group. Contact Alison Link, Policy and Community Outreach Coordinator, at [email protected] to set something up and to get your copies of our new Community Planning Toolkit.

Community Planning Toolkit

Come learn about our Community Planning Toolkit and how to use it. Contact HLV Outreach and Policy Coordinator Alison Link at [email protected] if you are interested in meeting up for a cup of tea, a walk or a zoom chat or phone call. Read more in this blog post.

3-4-50 Partnerships

3-4-50 Partners are businesses, organizations, towns, schools, classrooms, faith-based institutions, and more who have signed to continue or build wellness measures that promote health and reduce the risk of chronic disease in their communities.  Learn more…

Substance-free Signs

Are your town or agency’s public spaces substance-free? Interested in signage for an existing smoke, vape, cannabis, alcohol and/or substance free public space? We can help! Healthy Lamoille Valley can offer design and permanent signage printing for your town. For Town-related signage, get in touch with your town leadership and we can set up a meeting to discuss! We can also support any related policy towards substance-free public spaces. Are you interested in signage for your event, business or agency? HLV’s Tobacco Prevention Task Force and Lamoille Area Youth Council printed 3 different smoke- and vape-free signs to offer our community. We are also giving out some cigarette buttlers that are used to collect cigarette butts. See examples. Contact [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.