October 15th, 2019
6:00pm – 7:00pm
Stearns Performance Space
Northern Vermont University – Johnson
337 College Hill Road, Johnson, VT, 05656
Healthy Lamoille Valley invites you to join us for our Fall Coalition Meeting! Come see out what your local prevention coalition has been up to and find out how you can get involved!
We’ll meet at NVU-Johnson in the Stearns Performance Space right after a talk by writer and prevention activist Kate ONeill. Kate will be sharing her sister’s story and the stories of other Vermonters impacted by by opioid-use disorder, and potential solutions to the crisis. You are welcome to come for the talk at 4:30pm and stay for the meeting or just attend the Coalition Meeting at 6:00pm. Both events are free and open to the public. Refreshments provided.
RSVP online at eventbrite.com.
4:30-6:00pm – Kate O’Neil Presentation
6:00pm – Discussion of Kate’s presentation
6:30pm – Share Out of Coalition Involvement Opportunities
- New One Pager
- Photos for Primer Project
- RX Takeback Day October 26th & New Year-round Drop-off Sites
- Fundraising Opportunity Workgroup
- Signatures for Town Allocations (We’d love your help)
- New Tobacco Resources to Share
- Jenna’s Promise Volunteer and Donation Opportunity
- Recovery Rides
- DFC Grant Application Update