Healthy Lamoille Valley
Fall Coalition Meeting: The State of Our Youth
An invitation…if you are a student, parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle, caregiver, service provider or community member you can be a community partner with Healthy Lamoille Valley! We all share a responsibility in making sure area youth succeed and live in a safe environment.
We’d like you, our community partners, to join us on Tuesday, September 25th for something new, yet old… a coalition meeting… local people coming together around a common topic: preventing youth substance use.
The new 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey data is out and we’d like you to join us as we see where area youth are excelling and struggling. We hope to create a common knowledge then participate in a dialogue that encourages us each to take action to support Lamoille Valley’s students.
Do you know what percentage of area youth drank alcohol, other than a few sips, before the age of 13? feel like they matter to people in their community? think people greatly risk harming themselves if they regularly use marijuana? felt so sad or hopeless in the previous two weeks that they are stopped doing an activity they loved? think that their parents worry about their children’s substance-use? are engaging in quality out of school activities?
These are just a few of the questions that we hope you’ll have an answer to when you leave the meeting… and beyond that we hope that you can clearly identify a way to support youth to improve overall health and well-being!
Date and Time
Tuesday, Sept. 25th, 2018 6:00pm – 7:30pm
Green Mountain Technology and Career Center
738 Vermont 15
Hyde Park, Vermont 05655
RSVP at Eventbrite.com
or by email: [email protected]
Light Refreshments will be provided.