Tobacco Prevention in the Workplace
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Businesses: http://www.healthvermont.gov/3-4-50/businesses
Schools: http://www.healthvermont.gov/3-4-50/schools-child-care
Cities and Towns: http://www.healthvermont.gov/3-4-50/cities-towns
Vermont’s Smoke-Free Laws: Smoking in the Workplace – Resources – Beyond smoke-free indoor spaces, there is the opportunity to voluntarily become a 100% smoke-free campus or have designated outdoor spaces that are smoke-free.
The smoke-free workplace law creates a ban on smoking and vaping in any and all buildings that serve as a place where employees work for their employer. Indoor smoking/vaping areas are not permitted (however, the law does not apply to a designated portion of the indoor area of the Bennington Vermont Veterans Home, where smoking is permitted). Also, the law does not apply to the use of tobacco substitutes in businesses (vape lounges) established for the sole purpose of providing a setting for patrons to purchase and use tobacco substitutes.May employees smoke/vape outside the building?It depends. The law bans smoking on the outdoor campuses of public schools, registered childcare centers (at all times) and homes (while children are in care), within 25 ft of State-ownded buildings and on the grounds of State owned and operated hospitals. Any building that already has 50 ft enforced, can maintain that policy.In addition to what is prohibited by law many Vermont employers have already voluntarily established smoke-free campus policies or smoke- free outdoor areas around the perimeter of the building. Setting smoke-free policies for company vehicles, or vehicles located on company property, is up to the individual employer. Sample policies are online at healthvermont.gov
Smoking in Public PlacesACT 135 second hand smoke protections- FACT SHEETOther history on policy and laws: http://www.healthvermont.gov/wellness/tobacco/policy-a nd-law
If you are in need of signage related to 100% smoke-free areas or other related signs, contact [email protected]

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