Nov 17, 2021
New Parent/Caregiver Workgroup Cohort! We are changing it up! We recognize that parents/caregivers are busy and we’d like to try a new workgroup format. Beginning in January we will host a new pilot workgroup using the Basecamp platform. We will create an online...
Nov 17, 2021
Informed voters make a difference in the health and wellness of our community! Morristown voters, before you vote on December 7th, take time to test your knowledge on Retail Cannabis and Act 164 through this five minute interactive quiz. Visit...
Nov 12, 2021
The Great American Smoke Out is November 18, 2021, a time to quit nicotine whether quitting vaping, cigarettes or chew for a day or considering making a plan to quit for good. Community members, businesses, organizations, schools, towns can get involved! Consider...
Oct 19, 2021
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, October 23rd , from 10:00am – 2:00pm. This is a great opportunity to turn in your unwanted, unused, or expired medications. This service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Lamoille Valley locations...
Oct 18, 2021
Healthy Lamoille Valley will be partnering with Lamoille North Supervisory Union as they host their second public forum on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, in the GMTCC/CEC from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. We will be first on their agenda as we share Healthy Lamoille...
Oct 18, 2021
Join us for a meeting of the Lamoille Valley Tobacco Prevention Taskforce, October 26th from 3:00 – 4:00pm with special guests state partners Dana Bourne, Tobacco Treatment Specialist and Issah Younossi, Chronic Disease Program Specialist both from the Vermont...