Wishing You Safe Celebrations

As you celebrate, please remember to monitor all alcohol, cannabis, tobacco products, and prescription medicines in your home. Monitor and lock these items to keep our kids and teens safe!  This may mean assigning a responsible adult to monitor the alcohol at your...

Tobacco Taskforce January Meeting

Join our regional Tobacco Prevention Taskforce and work together to address underage tobacco and vaping in your community!   Next meeting is January 18th, 2022, 3-4pm. Register in advance here. If you are interested in being involved with this group on our new online...

New Cannabis Resources

Our Lamoille Valley towns are all in different places related to retail cannabis at the moment.  Healthy Lamoille Valley is creating resources to support you as you navigate this issue in your town.  Informed communities and voters make a difference in the health and...

3-4-50 Grantee Project Highlights!

Congratulations to our 2021 3-4-50 HLV mini-grant awardees on their project successes! Thank you for helping to lead the way to reduce chronic disease by reducing tobacco use and increasing healthy nutrition and physical activity. Get all the project highlights and...

Save the Date!

Teens and Cannabis: a look into the data on the impacts of legal retail markets on youth January 13th, 2022, 7:00 pm, on Zoom We are often asked, “How are youth impacted by marijuana?” We’ll seek to answer that question for the community on Thursday,...