Jan 31, 2022
Do you ever find yourself having the thought, “If only I had….” Or “If only I knew…?” It would be amazing if we were all like Mary Poppins and had the perfect tool in our magical bag at just the right time. The reality is that most of us don’t have that kind of access...
Jan 25, 2022
We are excited to share that our new Pilot Parent/Caregiver Community launched on January 21st! This is an opportunity for parents and caregivers in the Lamoille Valley to connect with other parents and find resources to support our teens and children! All parents...
Jan 25, 2022
Take time to test your knowledge on Retail Cannabis and Act 164 through this five-minute interactive quiz and check out the video below: Coalition member Catherine Crawley has published an opinion piece in the Stowe Reporter on the recent Stowe Selectboard meeting...
Jan 24, 2022
Sometimes you’ve just got to freshen things up and that’s what we’re seeking to do at Healthy Lamoille Valley! Beginning on February 10th, Healthy Lamoille Valley is taking on a new format to increase access and functionality of our coalition meetings. We will plan to...
Jan 12, 2022
NEW! Share Your Why: Passport Edition With fewer in-person events happening due to Covid this month (and possibly beyond that), we have added a new way for youth to earn passport stamps! Complete activity sheets by planning, doing, and sharing activities you do with...
Dec 22, 2021
Our children and teens need us more than ever. As parents/caregivers we need support too. Consider signing up for HLV’s new Pilot Parent Community. This community will be hosted in Basecamp and will provide a platform for Lamoille Valley parents and caregivers to...