New Handbook for Coaches!

New Handbook for Coaches!

Lamoille Coaching Collaborative Presents a New Handbook for Coaches! Hot off the press! Youth coaches – check this out! The Lamoille Area Coaching Collaborative, a workgroup of Healthy Lamoille Valley, has created a guide for all youth sports volunteer coaches...

Virtual Roundtable on Local Cannabis Control Commissions

Virtual Roundtable Discussion on Local Cannabis Control Commissions for Towns and Municipalities Friday, September 9, 2022 from 12 noon until 1pm Has your town opted in to cannabis retail and/or integrated licenses? Are you aware that municipalities are also now...
International Opioid Overdose Awareness Day

International Opioid Overdose Awareness Day

Did you know that August 31st is International Opioid Overdose Awareness Day? You can help prevent opioid misuse in our community. Here are three opportunities to make a difference: Download or request copies of our Hope Poster with support resources for those...
Parent/Caregiver Community

Parent/Caregiver Community

Attention Parents, Foster and Kinship Caregivers! With a new year starting we wanted to let you know that Healthy Lamoille Valley is continuing to host our online community for parents/caregivers of middle and high school students. If you would like to participate,...
Fall Sports Are Upon Us!

Fall Sports Are Upon Us!

Time to sign up your youth for fall sports! Not sure of what fall sports are available and where? Check out the Youth Sports Directory sponsored by The Lamoille Area Coaching Collaborative. If you notice the need for an update, email
Back to School

Back to School

“Back to School!” These words bring up a range of emotions for parents and caregivers. Excitement, anticipation, celebration, the joy of new adventures and challenges, worry, stress, anxiety. Now, think about what the kids and teens in your life are...