Introducing Healthy Lamoille Valley’s 2023 TimeWise Educator Cohort

Introducing Healthy Lamoille Valley’s 2023 TimeWise Educator Cohort

Thanks to generous grants from the Roessner Family Foundation over the past few years, Healthy Lamoille Valley (HLV) has updated and created new resources for TimeWise: Taking Charge of Leisure Time (TW), an evidence-based curriculum originally funded through the...
Are You an Askable Adult?

Are You an Askable Adult?

Healthy Lamoille Valley and Clarina Howard Nichols Center are hosting an Askable Adult training on how to build trusting and affirming relationships between youth and adults. Food will be provided, childcare is available. April 15th, 9:00AM – 12:00PM at...
HLV at National Leadership Forum

HLV at National Leadership Forum

Healthy Lamoille Valley recently attended CADCA’s National Leadership Forum! CADCA represents over 5,000 community coalitions that involve individuals from key sectors including schools, law enforcement, youth, parents, healthcare, media, tribal communities and...
TimeWise Educator Cohort

TimeWise Educator Cohort

Our search is complete! Learn more about our 2023 cohort! Principals, guidance counselors, SAPs, administrators, nurses, librarians, and teachers of all grades (K-12) and subjects are welcome to apply for our first TimeWise Healthy Lamoille Valley Educator Cohort. We...
Safe Holiday Celebrations

Safe Holiday Celebrations

Did you know that December has been named National Impaired Driving Prevention Month? We encourage you to use this reminder for three purposes: 1. Talk to the young drivers and soon to be drivers in your life about the importance of not driving under the influence of...