Marijuana Legalization – What Does It Mean For You?

Marijuana Legalization – What Does It Mean For You? DATE AND TIME Tue, July 17, 2018 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT Add to Calendar LOCATION Green Mountain Technology and Career Center 738 Vermont 15 Hyde Park, VT 05655   On July 1st adult use marijuana becomes legal. Do...

Talking to Youth About Marijuana

We’d like to share this blog post Jessica Bickford wrote for Copley Hospital’s blog “Live Well Lamoille”.   Learn about the impacts of marijuana on teens, and download some facts you can share with teens, and find some tools for parents to...

It’s in the Nanomoments

A thought for your day… It’s often in the simple quick moments that we find reason to pause… the calm in a line, verse, or passage.  The quiet gratitude in the moment that encourages us to draw closer… breathe deeper, slow the work crazed...

“Scarey” thing

This week I did a “scarey” thing… that wasn’t… I was invited into the 6th grade at Johnson Elementary School to help the students prepare for their transition to middle school.  Specifically to help the students build refusal skills to...

Monthly Mobile Syringe Service in Morrisville

Recently Theresa Vezina from VT Cares, presented a new resource in our region. She shared with community partners about their Harm Reduction Program which includes a mobile van that comes to Morrisville, for safe needle exchange/distribution. The program began as a...


Please join us on Tuesday, March 13 from 4:00-5:30 as we explore… Laraway Youth & Family Services’s Photo Voice Project depicts impact of substance use. Have you wondered how our community is impacted by substance abuse? Two teens in Laraway’s...