We Need Your Help on Green-Up Day!

Join us in raising awareness of substance misuse in our communities! Help us collect information about the impact of substances in our region*, wherever you participate in Green-Up Day this year!  Together we create a Healthy Lamoille Valley! 1. Keep a count of how...

Grant Opportunity!

Apply for a 3-4-50 Healthy Lamoille Valley Mini-Grant! Healthy Lamoille Valley is seeking applications for mini-grants of up to $500 for towns, agencies, businesses, faith-based institutions and schools in the Lamoille Valley region to support 3-4-50 efforts.  The...

Guest Post: Are Vermont’s Youth Resilient?

This is a guest post from ParentIn Burlington.  ParentIN Burlington was created to empower parents and caregivers of middle school students with the support they need to help their children make healthy choices. ParentIN offers evidence-informed educational tips and...

National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day!

You can make a huge difference! National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is Saturday, April 27th, 10:00am -2:00pm! Turn in unwanted, unused, and expired prescription medicines!* This service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. LAMOILLE VALLEY LOCATIONS Hardwick...