10 Tips for Youth and Parent Mental Health in These Times

With a lot of public spaces temporarily shutting down and social distancing for the common good, the team at Healthy Lamoille Valley shares a few tips to make it bearable and keep our health up.1. Schedule a time for daily check-ins with your family. Ask: Are there...

Coalition Perspective: Changes

by Floyd Nease, Executive Director of the Lamoille Family Center & Healthy Lamoille Valley Steering Team Member As I write this, my nine-year-old grandson is upstairs attending school ‘virtually’.  So far today, I have attended four ‘virtual’ meetings, written...

Staff Perspective: Homeschooling Again

by Jessica Bickford, Healthy Lamoille Valley Coordinator This is a longer post than usual, but hopefully helpful for all the families out there with kids home from school. Three years ago our family made the decision that we would homeschool while I did much of my...