Apr 21, 2020
Healthy Lamoille Valley noticed a community need to connect community members making fabric masks with local organizations with essential workers that need them the most. To that end Healthy Lamoille Valley has created a webpage for the community:...
Apr 9, 2020
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on April 25th has been postponed due to the COVID-19 health crisis. Copley Hospital, Hardwick Police Department, Morristown Police Department, Stowe Police Department, Cambridge Kinney Drugs, and the Lamoille County Sheriff’s...
Apr 6, 2020
COVID-19 is a respiratory illness and data tells us that it is even more dangerous for people who smoke and vape. Check out Healthy Lamoille Valley’s COVID-19 Tobacco and Vaping Alert for more information at www.healthylamoillevalley.org/covid-19. Are you able...
Apr 2, 2020
Free Youth Mental Health Parent Workshop! Join Healthy Lamoille Valley Coordinator Jessica Bickford for an online workshop to help parents check in on their kids’ mental health while maintaining their own sanity. Jessica has been working in prevention and...
Mar 30, 2020
With a lot of public spaces temporarily shutting down and social distancing for the common good, the team at Healthy Lamoille Valley shares a few tips to make it bearable and keep our health up.1. Schedule a time for daily check-ins with your family. Ask: Are there...
Mar 25, 2020
by Floyd Nease, Executive Director of the Lamoille Family Center & Healthy Lamoille Valley Steering Team Member As I write this, my nine-year-old grandson is upstairs attending school ‘virtually’. So far today, I have attended four ‘virtual’ meetings, written...