Tobacco Taskforce Virtual Meeting May 11th

Hello Lamoille Valley community, The next virtual meeting of Health Lamoille Valley’s Tobacco Taskforce will be Monday, May 11, 2-3pm.  Register to receive the invitation with a login link to Zoom and a phone number you can use if you’re unable to join by...

Call for Perspectives and Art!

We want to hear your perspective!We are looking for 3-8 paragraphs (plus a 2-3 sentence bio) with something that will provide hope and tips for folks. It could be on services still available, a health fact, or something from your personal life.  Send your perspectives...

NEW! Fabric Masks Community Project

Healthy Lamoille Valley noticed a community need to connect community members making fabric masks with local organizations with essential workers that need them the most. To that end Healthy Lamoille Valley has created a webpage for the community:...