Volunteer Coaches and Administrators Survey and Raffle

Attention–Lamoille Valley Youth Sports Volunteer Coaches, Potential Coaches and Administrators – TWO $100 RAFFLE PRIZES for sports league of your choice Healthy Lamoille Valley (HLV) in collaboration with the HLV Youth Sports Workgroup, seeks the input...

Guest Post: Pillars for Mental Health

Guest Blogger: Julie Bomengen Julie is a Vermont Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC) with 23 years of experience in the field of mental health. Julie is also a Nutritional Therapy Consultant (NTC), a certification of the Nutritional Therapy Association....

Teachers and school staff need our encouragement!

This year is full of uncertainties for teachers and school staff. Let’s start their year with some encouragement! Record a 30 second video with an inspiring shoutout/story of a positive school experience and we’ll publish it on our Youtube channel. Please choose...

Cannabis and Your Town

Cannabis and Your Town: Considerations for Youth Substance Misuse Prevention Monday August 31st, 2020 Recording now available Watch on Vimeo, recording by Hardwick Community Television Watch on Youtube, recording by Green Mountain Access Television Download the...

JOIN the Tobacco Prevention Taskforce on August 10th!

Calling all interested area youth, young adults and adults to participate in the next Healthy Lamoille Valley Tobacco Prevention Task Force meeting, Monday August 10th, 2-3pm on Zoom. Register online at...

Town Policy Guidance in the Time of Covid-19 and Beyond

In Governor Scott’s executive order EO 01-20 – Directive 4 he granted permission for Restaurants and Retailers to add a To-Go and Delivery service option.  This was in response to COVID-19 and an effort to support Vermont’s vital restaurant and retail...