Sep 20, 2021
Are you wondering about youth sports offered in our area all year round? Are you or an adult you know interested in helping to coach and/or organize youth sports? The Lamoille Area Coaching Collaborative, a workgroup of Healthy Lamoille Valley, is launching a new...
Aug 19, 2021
Who has made a difference and supported prevention in your community? We’re asking the community to nominate individuals and groups who have gone above and beyond to support substance prevention efforts in the Lamoille Valley. Click here to submit your...
Aug 5, 2021
and potential coaches can find you! The Lamoille Area Coaching Collaborative is a network of people dedicated to improving our community through youth sports and building protective factors for our youth to prevent substance misuse. Youth sports are often a protective...
Jun 23, 2021
Healthy Lamoille Valley’s Parent and Caregiver Workgroup would like to invite you to take a few simple steps towards keeping the youth in your life substance free this summer. We encourage you to keep drinks with alcohol and non-alcoholic drinks in separate...
May 25, 2021
Tips for Hosting Fun and Safe Gatherings: The weather is turning warmer, more people are getting vaccinated, and we’re now getting to the end of the school year. As we look forward to summer celebrations and get-togethers, it’s important to focus on making our events...
May 18, 2021
Join us for our June Coalition Meeting on June 1st from 6:00 – 7:00pm! We’ll be sharing the results of our 2021 Community and Parent surveys with a follow-up discussion. Click here to view key highlights from our surveys! Meetings are on Zoom, accommodations...