Save the Date! December 17th Workshops

Save the Date! December 17th Workshops

We’re offering two 3 hour sessions of Drug Recognition and Impairment workshops for health and human service staff on December 17 (educators welcome too!). Choose between two sessions: 9:00AM -12:00PM, GMTCC –  Register Online 1:00PM – 4:00PM,...
Healthy Lamoille Valley Brings the Community Together!

Healthy Lamoille Valley Brings the Community Together!

On October 24th, Healthy Lamoille Valley held a fall coalition event bringing together a diverse group of community members to discuss topics surrounding youth substance prevention. The participants broke out into three groups to share which topics were important to...
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day October 26th

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day October 26th

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, October 26th, from 10:00am – 2:00pm. This is a great opportunity to turn in your unwanted, unused, or expired medications. Find participating Take Back Day sites in Vermont at This...
Join us! Fall Community Event!

Join us! Fall Community Event!

October 24th, 9:00 – 10:30AM, GMTCC, RSVP online! Join Healthy Lamoille Valley and strengthen local actions to reduce harmful substance use across the lifespan! This community engagement meeting continues our collective efforts to implement activities that...
Get Ready for the Great American Smokeout

Get Ready for the Great American Smokeout

Plan an event or activity for the Great American Smoke Out on November 21st!   Join us in organizing events for the annual Great American Smoke Out, sponsored by the American Cancer Society. Let’s work to reduce tobacco, vape and nicotine use at your business,...
Recovery for Teens

Recovery for Teens

September is Recovery Month! Parents and caregivers are important partners in a teen’s recovery from substance use, and it’s natural for this process to be challenging for everyone involved. Here are a few suggestions that may be helpful if your child is facing...