A new season is starting!

Quarterly Coaches Collaborative Meeting
Monday, May 16th, 5:30pm
Register in advance!


Please join us for the next meeting of the Lamoille Area Coaches Collaborative on May 16th!

Looking for ways to support our local leagues and coaches?  Please share these resources!

1. Help us update our Youth Sports Community Directory, a collection of information related to our local sports teams/leagues and their details. Please review this page and provide any updates by following instructions in the introduction. It’s a great way for parents/caregivers and community members to find out about the youth sports in our area.

2. “Youth Sports Coaches Building Youth Protective Factors.” Pull together a group of coaches or view this short presentation on your own to focus on how coaches can build protective factors in the lives of their players and communities. If you would like us to provide a facilitator for the training, let us know, and we would be happy to set something up, email [email protected].

3. Share with coaches and check out this great 2-page resource: 40 Ways Coaches Can Build Assets and Protective Factors for And with Youth. Topics include support, empowerment, boundaries and expectations, constructive use of time, commitment to learning, positive values, social competencies and positive identity.