June Coalition Meeting: Equity and Substance Prevention
June 9th, 3:30-4:45 PM, Zoom
This June, begin a conversation about equity with us. There are two primary goals for this meeting: 1) To help bring a substance viewpoint to the equity work being done in our region by providing information and learning about the work of others. 2) To inform future HLV work around equity. We will take a look into how substance industry tactics increase inequality, and how risk factors, such as stigma, discrimination, and life stressors, lead to disproportionate use. We invite community partners to come share about their equity work in the community. To register, email [email protected].
Note: There will be no July or August coalition meetings due to summer scheduling conflicts. In their place we invite you to meet with a Healthy Lamoille Valley staff member and share visions for the work of the coalition. Please email us to meet up by phone, online, or in-person for some iced tea or a walk.
Jessica Bickford, Program Coordinator, [email protected]
Alison Link, Policy and Outreach Coordinator, [email protected]
Brian Duda, Youth Coordinator, [email protected]