May 9th-15th is National Prevention Week! National Prevention Week is the celebration of year-round public education, providing resources and tools to help individuals and communities engaged in the work of substance use prevention. Healthy Lamoille Valley joins communities and organizations across the country in May to help raise awareness of the importance of substance use prevention.
Knowledge is power and you can support your family and community by knowing your prevention resources. We invite you to take the Healthy Lamoille Valley Knowledge Challenge and be entered to win a gift certificate to a local eatery and more.
How the Challenge Works:
- Watch for our social media posts during National Prevention Week and learn about a new prevention resource every day. Not on social media? We’ll be updating this blog post daily through Prevention Week.
- At the end of the week, complete our simple survey sharing one thing that you learned from each resource. You will be entered to win a Healthy Lamoille Valley t-shirt and a $20 gift certificate to a local eatery. One entry per person. Survey closes on 5/20/21.
Take the survey here!
National Prevention Week Challenge – Day 1: Visit www.healthylamoillevalley.org and learn about prevention work happening in the Lamoille Valley.
National Prevention Week Challenge – Day 2: Check out ParentUpVT.org for resources on addressing tough topics with our kids like substance use and mental wellness.
National Prevention Week Challenge – Day 3: Check out the resources and programs on 802Quits.org for Vermonters looking to quit tobacco, nicotine and vaping.
National Prevention Week Challenge – Day 4: As cannabis becomes a larger part of Vermont’s economy it’s important to know the facts from a trusted source, visit healthvermont.gov/alcohol-drugs/.
National Prevention Week Challenge – Day 5: Learn about opioid use disorder and prevention in our communities at www.healthvermont.gov/RxAware.
National Prevention Week Challenge – Day 6: Get the latest facts and analyses on smoking, vaping, nicotine and substance use and find out about youth quit resources at truthinitiative.org.
National Prevention Week Challenge – Day 7: There are resources for everyone, including recursos en Español at drugfree.org from the public health group Partnership to End Addiction.
National Prevention Week Challenge – Bonus: Visit VT Helplink at vthelplink.org and learn more about this statewide, public resource for finding substance use treatment and recovery services in Vermont.