
The Lamoille Area Youth Council has decided to extend the 2020 PhotoVoice Project: Mixed Messaging so that more youth can participate. Go to for more information!


Have you ever noticed the mixed messaging around alcohol and vape products?

The tobacco and alcohol industries are always looking to recruit new and younger customers. This means that they show their products in the best light, often attracting kids. We are looking for students who want to stand up and expose these messages.What’s in it for you? The first 20 submissions to meet the requirements will receive a $20 gift certificate to an area store. Your picture will be used to share the impacts of messaging on youth on Healthy Lamoille Valley’s website and beyond!Deadline: Friday, October 23rd at 5:00 pm.

Project details can be found at  Have questions? Email [email protected].

This event is sponsored by the Lamoille Area Youth Council and Healthy Lamoille Valley.