National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day on April 25th has been postponed due to the COVID-19 health crisis.
Copley Hospital, Hardwick Police Department, Morristown Police Department, Stowe Police Department, Cambridge Kinney Drugs, and the Lamoille County Sheriff’s Department all have year-round self-service drop-boxes, available during normal business hours.
However with the new Stay Home/Stay Safe order, some Vermonters may need to store their unused prescription drugs in their home for the time being. Safely storing or disposing of prescription drugs is important for the well-being of our community in order to prevent misuse and help protect the environment. Misused prescription drugs are often obtained from the houses of family and friends, so keeping prescription drugs out of reach of children and youth with so many home from school is key.
You can store your medications in a lock box or locked medicine cabinet in your home. Alternatively, the Vermont Department of Health has free prepaid mail back envelopes available in many health provider offices. You can also fill out an online form and have one mailed to you, for more information visit www.healthvermont.gov/alcohol-drugs/services/prescription-drug-disposal.
Looking for more information on drug safety? Visit www.healthvermont.gov/alcohol-drugs/services/prescription-drug-disposal.