The DEA has just announced that vaping devices (with batteries removed) and vaping cartridges can be included in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on Oct. 26th.
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, October 26th, from 10:00am – 2:00pm! This is a great opportunity to turn in your unwanted, unused, or expired medications. This service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Lamoille Valley locations are: Copley Hospital (in the hall by the Laboratory Check-in), Hardwick Police Department, Morristown Police Department, Stowe Police Department, Kinney Drugs in Morrisville and Cambridge, and the Lamoille County Sheriff’s Department in Hyde Park. These sites are accepting pills only and cannot accept liquids or sharps.
If you’re not able to make it to one of these sites on October 26th, not to worry, Copley Hospital, Hardwick Police Department, Morristown Police Department, Stowe Police Department, Cambridge Kinney Drugs, and the Lamoille County Sheriff’s Department all have year-round self-service drop-boxes, available during normal business hours.
Prepaid mail back envelopes are also available in many locations around the region; call Michelle Salvador at the Department of Health for more information, 802-888-2581.
Looking for more information on drug safety? Visit www.healthvermont.gov/alcohol-drugs/services/prescription-drug-disposal.