Apply for a 3-4-50 Healthy Lamoille Valley Mini-Grant!

Healthy Lamoille Valley is seeking applications for mini-grants of up to $500 for towns, agencies, businesses, faith-based institutions and schools in the Lamoille Valley region to support 3-4-50 efforts.  The Lamoille Valley Region includes Belvidere, Cambridge, Craftsbury, Eden, Elmore, Greensboro, Hardwick, Hyde Park, Jeffersonville, Johnson, Morristown, Stannard, Stowe, Waterville, Wolcott, and Woodbury.

Applications will be collected and reviewed through May 20th. 

Awards will be announced by June 1st.  Funds need to be expended by the end of June.

Starting small and building upon your success can lead to greater change over time!  If you want to brainstorm an idea or for more information contact: Alison Link, Healthy Lamoille Valley, Policy and Outreach Coordinator, [email protected], 917-626-0344. Click here to fill out the application form!

Changes are Happening Across Vermont!

Worksites and communities are signing on to 3-4-50 and making changes such as wellness policies, walking paths, tobacco and substance-free signage, and community gardens.

Healthy Lamoille Valley and the Morrisville Health District Office welcome our newest 3-4-50 Partners: Curves of Morrisville, Round Hill Kids Childcare Center, Community Health Services of Lamoille Valley, River Arts, Johnson Works, Clarina Howard Nichols Center, Lamoille South Supervisory Union, and the Town of Hyde Park!

Play 3-4-50 BINGO!  See how many items in this grid you can find in your worksite or community. Then check out how easy it would be to sign on as a 3-4-50 Partner! Visit today!