¡Encuesta de Healthy Lamoille Valley para la Comunidad y Padres!
¡Es momento de participar en las encuestas bienales de Healthy Lamoille Valley para la comunidad y los padres! Esta es una oportunidad para contribuir a la creación de un entorno seguro y de apoyo para la juventud. Estas encuestas proporcionan información valiosa sobre el consumo de sustancias entre menores de edad en nuestra comunidad y qué se puede hacer para ayudar.
Healthy Lamoille Valley Community and Parent Surveys!
It’s time for Healthy Lamoille Valley’s biennial community and parent surveys, an opportunity to help create a safe and supportive place for youth. These surveys provide valuable information about underage substance use issues in our community and what can be done to help.
Drug Impairment Training for Educational Professionals (and Community Partners)
Free upcoming training for education professionals in evaluating and documenting students suspected of misusing and being impaired by substances.
Join Us at Vermont Prevention Day!
Prevention Day has a long history in Montpelier, where prevention staff and community partners advocate and raise awareness about the impact of substance misuse prevention on the health and well-being of Vermont youth and communities.
New Community Funding Opportunity!
The Northeast Vermont Prevention Consortium – Prevention Lead for Region 3 is looking to fund community-driven projects that prevent substance misuse in St. Johnsbury, Morrisville, and Newport health districts. Equitable and innovative approaches that meet communities where they are and break down barriers to health and well-being are encouraged.
Prevention Sponsorships Available
Healthy Lamoille Valley is pleased to be able to once again offer prevention sponsorships to the Lamoille Valley community, made available from the Region 3 Vermont Prevention Lead Organization grant. These allotments are designed with equity in mind to be accessible to projects that would be greatly advanced with a small amount of funding.
March Coalition Meeting
What are the most important youth substance misuse issues in our region? Join us for a potluck breakfast and learn more about the results of the 2023 Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey, what the numbers tell us and how responses have changed over the past few years. Join in person or on Zoom.
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on April 26th is a great opportunity to turn in your unwanted, unused, or expired medications. You don’t have to wait until then to safely dispose of your unused or unwanted prescription drugs. Visit any of these year-round prescription drug drop off boxes at your convenience.