Healthy Lamoille Valley presents a three part series on youth and young adult vaping prevention. Free and open to the community, join us for all three parts or any individual session that interests you. All sessions will be on Zoom. Contact Alison Link, HLV Outreach and Policy Coordinator, for more information at [email protected].
Session 1:
Youth Vaping: what our coalition needs to know and what we can do about it
Join us at our next regular coalition meeting on January 5th from 6:00 to 7:00pm, ”Youth Vaping: what our coalition needs to know and what we can do about it,” featuring guest presenter Marcella Bianco, the Program Director for the CATCH My Breath youth e-cigarette prevention program. We’ll cover what e-cigarettes are and why they’re a concern for Vermont youth, how the vaping epidemic got out of hand so quickly, laws and policies around youth vaping, and the relationship between vaping and infectious diseases such as COVID-19. We will also launch the Tobacco Prevention Taskforce on Youth and Young Adult Vaping Prevention, look at the initiatives and campaigns we want to take on, and hear from local youth.
You can now view the recorded session from Green Mountain Access Television:
Session 2:
Youth Vaping Prevention: An In-Depth Presentation
January 19th from 6:00 – 7:30pm. This is the 2nd of our 3 part series on youth and young adult vaping prevention, presenting a deeper dive into the youth vaping epidemic, data, industry, laws and policies, and what to look out for. Including an overview of the links between vaping, lung health, and infectious diseases such as COVID-19. Cessation efforts and curriculum will also be discussed. We invite youth and parents/caregivers to come together with school partners, medical professionals, law enforcement, and the general community to learn more about this issue and what can be done.
Session 3:
Vaping Prevention Curriculum Conversation: CATCH My Breath and Beyond
Session 3 of our Spring Vaping Prevention series is a conversation for interested folks who want to learn more about the CATCH My Breath curriculum and other curricula for using in schools (or just as parents). Wednesday, April 28, 1-2pm, on Zoom. Register in advance here.
We will be looking at the CATCH My Breath curriculum and other resources and hear from the experience of Peoples Academy Middle Level teachers and staff about their implementation of CATCH My Breath and related initiatives. We encourage anyone interested in our Youth and Young Adult Vaping Prevention Task Force to also attend.
Please bring your questions, concerns and hopes for youth prevention education. Contact Alison Link, alison@healthylamoillevalley.
Youth and Young Adult Vaping Prevention Task Force
Join us as we launch our Tobacco Prevention Taskforce on Youth and Young Adult Vaping Prevention to look at the initiatives and campaigns we want to take on in our local community. All ages and backgrounds welcome. The taskforce will:
- Prioritize goals and action items around Lamoille Valley Youth and Young Adult Vaping Prevention and Cessation
- Design and implement informational/educational initiatives
- Design and implement media campaigns
Contact Alison Link, HLV Outreach and Policy Coordinator, for more information at [email protected].